Sold my position in ABF
Sold 1048 units of abf at $1.158. Take back $1213.58, taking in the dividends I got around $39 in profits which is around 3.3% from 2018-May to 2019-Jul.
I also stop the rsp for ABF to take in more cash in order to buy into other stocks that I am interested but I will still continue the rsp for ABF.
On my watch list now have
Sheng Siong
Nam Lee
Fraser property
CapitaLand Limited
Dairy farm
Haw Par
Sbs transit
Due to my limited capital I can only buy in 1 stock at a time. Currently, most of the talks are quite expensive except BreadTalk and dairy farm that are down quite a lot. However, BreadTalk valuation is still quite expensive compare to her peers. I will be taking a closer look at BreadTalk if it goes cheaper in the future I might buy into it.
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