MINT now my biggest holding

Bought 400 shares of MINT at 2.61, lowering my cost to 2.64

At FY2020 DPU of 12.55 it will be 4.81% /4.75%

At 2021Q1 DPU of 0.0335 it will be 5.13% / 5.08%

At 2021 Q2 DPU of 0.0347 it will be 5.32% / 5.26%

MINT now is my biggest holding. Reits is more than 60% of my port which resulted a big drop ytd. At most I can only add 1 more tranche of MINT due to the size of it in my port. If MINT reaches Low 2.5s I might be tempted to add my last bullet on it.

Other reits such as Ascendas, MLT, FCT are also trading at attractive prices, I would like to add more of them soon. However, I am around 33 percent cash now, I would like to keep cash at around 30% to cater to any possible correction in  year 2022.


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