
Showing posts from June, 2020

Self motivation in a bear market

I am down nearly 5 percent on my recent buy of UOB at $21.2. Til today I loss around $102. I still have the mindset of a typical investor of hoping the market to be green everyday and I am earning both capital gains and dividends. However, this is impossible. To self motivate myself I always recalled this ancient chinese saying: “  天行健,君子以自强不息 地势坤,君子以厚德载物” Explanation in chinese: 君子应该像天体一样运行不息;如果你是君子,度量要像大地一样,没有任何东西不能包容。 Simple translation in English will be: As a gentleman we should continue to persevere and work hard just like the heaven/sky and we should be as magnanimous as the earth as earth can contains everything

Bought my first bank UOB

Bought 100 shares of UOB at $21.2. Is around 0.94 PB and using $1.1 as dividend it has a dividend yield of 5.1%. I missed out the opportunity to buy banks previously so I decided to buy them now. Looking to add DBS, personally I am more keen to purchase DBS however DBS is trading above 1PB. I have a bigger margin of safety to purchase UOB as compare to DBS.